Our carsharing campout was just what cities needed to tackle challenges facing their car sharing programmes

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With car sharing becoming an ever-important aspect of city sustainability plans, our innovation experts hosted a camp geared towards policymakers, entrepreneurs and organisations with an interest in new forms of mobility. Gathering more than 70 participants and over 25 speakers, the Car Sharing Campout: Let’s Roll! was held in Paris at the Anticafé Olympiades, 14-15 October 2019.

The two-day innovation camp aimed to help cities tackle challenges facing their car sharing programmes. Best practice examples and lessons learned from cities across Europe were presented on day one. Workshops allowed participants to more fully understand practical issues such as how car sharing business models work, how car sharing can be expanded to rural areas, and how transport has particular impacts on women. A cocktail and live music wrapped up the day’s events. Day two featured speakers from major automotive industry players, as well as several startups in the mobility ecosystem. The final session, the Camp itself, allowed to help 5 cities (Milan, Carouge, Budapest, Bremen & Sofia) solve real challenges they are facing in implementing their car sharing programmes. Working in small groups, the city representatives presented their cases in order to share innovation ideas and develop concrete solutions that meet their needs.


The Campout was organised as a part of the STARS project, in which LGI works on business modelling, impact assessment and communication. LGI conceived the whole Campout since its inception, including the workshops design, brand building, marketing and communication strategy, audio-visual production, script writing, logistics and budget management.

More information about the campout is available on the STARS website.



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