STRUctural MATerials research for safe Long Term Operation of LWR NPPs
During the long-term operation of pressurised water reactors, the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) becomes brittle mainly due to neutron irradiation. Scientists disagreed about what causes certain low-copper RPV steels to become fragile at an accelerated rate. Further research was needed to shed light on late irradiation effects. Additionally, since current embrittlement trend equations (ETEs) tend to underpredict RPV embrittlement at higher fluence regimes, efforts were needed to adapt ETEs accordingly. Further research was also required to determine how applicable the master curve approach was at high fluences and for sub-sized specimens in characterising irradiation-induced shifts in reference curves. The STRUMAT-LTO project aimed to address these scientific gaps in RPV embrittlement by exploiting the Lyra-10 specimens.
- Support to the coordinator for the project set up
- Support to the coordinator as project management office (PMO)
- Leadership of the communication and dissemination activities