Study on NbS offer for climate adaptation
The ARTISAN Life Project (2020-2027) aims to support the implementation of the French adaptation plan (PNACC2) by strengthening incentives for the implementation of nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation (Adaptation NbS). One of the key project partners, ADEME, contracted LGI and Eco-Act to study the supply of Adaptation NbS in France.
The study aimed to establish the state of the art of Adaptation NbS, map and analyze the sector in France, and provide recommendations for its development. It focused on 5 sectors (urban, water management, forest, agriculture, tourism). The work helped 1/ to inform NbS stakeholders and ARTISAN Project partners on how to implement the pilot projects in their territories, and 2/ ADEME to identify further work needed for the NbS sector.
- Study on the definition of Adaptation NbS and the structuring elements of the sector, including stakeholder mapping and characterization, and value chain analysis
- Analysis of the functioning of the NbS across the 5 target sectors and identification of the barriers and enablers for the development of NbS
- Recommendations for the development of the private offer of NbS
- Communication support material to disseminate the results of the study