What's New with LGI this summer?

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LGI's FOCUS-Africa team (photo on the left, below) recently returned from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where they went to discuss the development of climate services with both service providers and end-users for three different sectors: food security, infrastructure and energy. Interviews and focus group discussions with various stakeholders, including the Tanzania Meteorological Authority, the Tanzania Ministry of Agriculture, and the national electric supply company TANESCO,  were very fruitful and will help advance the project's case studies.

The FOCUS-Africa stakeholder workshop was also held in Pretoria, South Africa (photo on the right, below), which was the first time that most of the consortium partners met in person. Two days of workshops were held to cover both the regional perspective for the whole project and to explore local gaps, opportunities and activities in South Africa and Mauritius.


The global economy is rapidly shifting from one based around burning hydrocarbons to one powered by metals. Sam Whittlesey (pictured below) presented LGI’s study for the BIORECOVER project, of the platinum group metal (PGM) and rare earth elements (REE) value chains at the (Re)Mining Extractive Waste conference in Belgium. Researchers in the BIORECOVER project are studying how to use a wide range of microbes (e.g., bacteria, fungi and algae) to sustainably leach PGMs and REEs from extractive wastes. Ideally, this could help build win-win value chains where the renewable transition is powered by metals extracted via remediation. Stay tuned for our upcoming report where we breakdown what these circular biomining value chains could look like!


On 13 June 2022, the LGI team was in Brussels for the “Let’s Go! Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission Kick Off Event” as part of the NetZeroCities consortium. The 112 cities selected to join the EU Mission on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities gathered in Brussels to kick start their collective journey towards climate neutrality by 2030 and their work with the Mission and NetZeroCities. City representatives had the opportunity to meet and exchange, discuss common challenges and share experiences. The journey to 2030 climate neutrality in cities has officially begun!


On 14 and 15 June, the WeTransform project gathered in Riga, Latvia, to hold a consortium meeting and to organise its third stakeholder workshop. Luc Berman represented LGI.

WeTransform aims at creating a policy agenda to prepare for the transition of the transport sector when it comes to the digitalisation and automation of services, specifically as they relate to workforce transformation. The third stakeholder workshop focused on the observed impacts of automation on the workforce, and gathered actors from across all transport modes and countries, such as workforce organisations, trade unions and public authorities.
