SNETP celebrates its 10th anniversary in Brussels

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The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) was launched back in 2007 as a joint initiative between R&D actors, industry and the European Commission. Since then the platform has become more mature with about 60 members, and its scope and objectives have been refined to be aligned with the priorities in the SET-Plan.

LGI has been supporting SNETP since its early days, first with the support of EU-funded collaborative projects and then, in the frame of selected missions on a bilateral basis. The large international community and the diversity of actors and counterparts makes the SNETP day-to-day work a never-ending source of inspiration, new contacts, and strategic and management challenges.

Lately, we have been contributing to the preparation of two major events: the 10th Anniversary of SNETP in Brussels and the Nuclear Days 2018 organised jointly with the NUGENIA Annual Forum 2018.

On 22 February 2018, the open session of the 7th SNETP General Assembly was the occasion to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the platform. For two hours, attendees were invited to take a look at SNETP and its pillars’ achievements in the past decade. The representatives of the Commission acknowledged the effectiveness of the platform amongst the other ETPs, and speakers from EIT Innoenergy and the Young Generation Network reminded the essential role that nuclear can play in tomorrow’s decarbonised energy mix.

The second edition of the Nuclear Days will be held in Prague on 10-12 April 2018. The participation of SNETP and the EERA JPNM platform will provide the opportunity to identify future challenges for the nuclear industry as a whole and to define common topics of interest with other European and international nuclear fission R&D stakeholders. The event will also be the occasion to address the lessons learnt from the newly finished and ongoing projects, and an opportunity to discuss new project ideas, wide dissemination and networking.

Our team will surely be around and happy to discuss and share ideas on how to further improve the daily running and interactions of SNETP with its members. You can always contact Gilles, Martin, Chloe and Flora for more information.