“Paper & Beyond” Conference: LGI represents the paperCHAIN EU project

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On 17 October, Camille Auriault joined the Paper & Beyond conference which took place in Brussels. The conference, organised by the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) gathered representatives of Europe’s major pulp and paper producers, manufacturers, customers, researchers and national organisations.

The day started with a session called “Europe & Beyond – Getting the best from the bioeconomy”, the future of bioeconomy in Europe as well as the role of policies for the development of circularity were discussed. Highlights of initiatives going on in China were provided by Peggy Liu, a world-renowned sustainability expert on China. The second session focused on paper markets with analysis on nanocellulose, cartonboard and containerboard, and graphic paper markets.

Finally, the event hosted the final conference of the EU-funded project PROVIDES which has confirmed the Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) technology. LGI’s participation in this event provided the opportunity to communicate about the paperCHAIN project and meet key stakeholders of the paper industry. It was crucial to engage in discourse with the potential users and/or beneficiaries of paperCHAIN results.


Camille Auriault

Innovation Strategist

Learn more on the paperCHAIN project