LGI's recap from the Advanced Training Programme organised by the READY project in Växjö

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As part of the EU-funded project READY, an Advanced Training Programme (ATP) on the development of Smart Cities was organised from 21 -23 May 2019.

The project team consists of internationally acclaimed industrial companies, energy supply companies, SMEs, housing companies, universities, consultants and other organisations that formed the consortium to achieve the project goals. All participants are devoted to improve RES integration in energy supply systems and housing standards towards nZEB.

The purpose of the event was to disseminate and share the findings of the READY project to relevant key stakeholders. The programme in Växjö gathered more than 60 people from all over Europe including political representatives, professionals from energy agencies, and energy efficiency experts. On the first day, a study visit showed the results of the refurbishment work conducted within READY on more than 300 apartments.


Figure 1: Refurbished apartments in the area of Alabastern, Växjö, Sweden

The second day started with several presentations on green governance, especially in Selnica ob Dravi (Slovenia) and in the two cities involved in READY, Aarhus (Denmark) and Växjö (Sweden). Then, several key topics for the development of a smart cities were addressed: retrofitting of buildings, district heating and cooling, electric vehicle infrastructure, etc. On the last day, after the General Assembly, the production of district heating and district cooling in Växjö was explained to participants during a tour of the infrastructures of Växjö’s energy company.



Figure 2: Visit to the district heating and cooling production infrastructure



Visit the READY, website for more information.