LGI offers different business model options for RAGTIME H2020 project

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In September 2018, LGI participated in the consortium meeting and dissemination event for the RAGTIME project. RAGTIME (Risk based approaches for asset integrity multimodal transport infrastructure management) covers infrastructure management for all modes and all the lifecycle of transport infrastructure.

One major expected output of this project is an integrated asset management platform that could serve all stakeholders involved in infrastructure asset management. The event, held in London, was the occasion for LGI to present different value propositions and business models for this platform, and to collect the thoughts of the various participants (project partners and external stakeholders) on the different options which were put forward. These discussions will feed in the subsequent work of LGI in designing the potential business models of the RAGTIME platform. Check out our future new post for more information on this!


Amar Ait Abderrahim

Trend Watcher

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