LGI hosts LowUP partners in Paris

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On the 21 and 22 November, LGI hosted the M24 General Assembly of the LowUP project in Paris. During this meeting, an Exploitation Workshop was organised by Camille Auriault, Esti Sanvicente and Soraya Molinero to make the most of the results generated during and after the end of the project.

The Exploitation Workshop relied on an in-house methodology developed by our Innovation & Strategy department. This strategy considers all the results (the ones achieved and expected) and identifies all the potential beneficiaries to define the most adequate strategy for each pair of “result-beneficiary” association. And action plan was also defined to identify the steps to follow in order to successfully exploit the results. Involving all the partners through a collaborative-thinking process, the goal was to find a common agreement on some of the most relevant results of LowUP.

LGI has extensive experience in defining the most appropriate exploitation strategies for European projects. We are continuously working to offer new and improved methodologies that disrupt the usual way of thinking and make the most of it.

Learn more on the LowUP project