LGI at World Efficiency Solutions Summit: towards a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy

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The World Efficiency Solutions creates a reliable avenue where both public and private stakeholders committed to developing a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy can link up with numerous solutions providers. It offers an authentic network of cities and businesses from over 90 countries connecting virtually and in-person and allows stakeholders to exchange, present projects, share experiences and network. The aim? Speeding up the transition to a circular economy.

A low carbon and resource-efficient economy - what does this entail?

A low-carbon economy is one powered by low carbon sources thus leading to a reduction in the output of greenhouses gas (GHG) emmissions. GHG aren't of themselves enemies, in fact, they make life as we know it livable, however the human use of fossil fuel increases the amount of GHG in the atmosphere, this boost is what negatively impacts the earth. Hence low carbon economies are crucial in the move against destructive climate change, while also having a positive spill-over effect on job creation, sustainability and energy efficiency amongst others. A resource-efficient economy is one where every asset is effectively maximised and used sustainably. Take a minute to imagine what the world will be like with economies such as these...

Participating in the plenaries

Obviously, we at LGI could not pass up the opportunity to be a part of the packed programme WES offered ... cue in Vincent, our able CEO! He donned several hats attending several workshops and plenaries while also live-tweeting. Find some of his updates on our Twitter account!

More on the WES Summit:

World Efficiency Solutions - The premier international meeting for the low-carbon and resource-efficient economy - Paris