Market study on NbS providers for Soil.is
The startup Soil.is (a spin-off of the French company Egis) developped a ready-to-use web platform to enhance natural capital. It connects Nature-based Solutions (NbS) providers with land managers, as well as with funders. The goal is to enable to assess land assets through an automated diagnosis, build solutions to maximize natural capital by identifying the NbS that best fit the business and identify the best NbS suppliers, monitor the impact of the projects, and identify and secure the funding.
LGI supported Soil.is in its early development by assessing the supply side : the potential interest for NbS providers to join the Soil.is platform.
- Analysis of the potential of the NBS offer in Europe, France and French-speaking African countries
- Survey and analysis of the interest in Soil.is by NBS providers in France and French-speaking African countries
- Specific operational and methodological support to design the marketing strategy
- Pre-commercial support, strategy for a webinar series campaign