Co-developing pathways towards Climate resilient regions in Europe
Adapting to climate change and building climate resilient environments in Europe and beyond has become crucial in the current context of global warming. P2R is a programme that will empower more than 100 regions and communities across Europe to codesign visions of a climate-resilient future. By using a system innovation and capability-driven approach, European regions and communities will chart transformative pathways and innovation agendas to increase their climate resilience. The programme will mobilise the civil society’s interest and equip regions and communities in developing climate resilience pathways and connected innovation agendas. The implementation and testing of transformative adaptation solutions will be supported by 21 million Euros of European funding allocated through 2 public calls.
- Support to the coordinator for the project set up
- Leadership of the communication and dissemination WP
- Leadership to steer the exploitation of the project results
- Support to the coordinator as project management office (PMO)