Supporting and standardising climate services in Europe and beyond
Climate services are described as "decision aide derived from climate information that assists organisations to make improved ex-ante decision-making" (WMO). Climateurope2 works to develop standardisation procedures for climate services (CS), while supporting the European CS community. The project strives to enhance the uptake of quality-assured CS to support adaptation and mitigation to climate change. The project identifies the support and standardisation needs of CS, including criteria for certification and labelling, and user-driven needs to support climate action. This includes a taxonomy, community-based good practices and guidelines, standards where possible, a network activated through festivals and webstivals, and a community of practice on the Climateurope2 platform.
- Leader of the market facilitation and brokerage task
- Leader of the exploitation of the project results and platform
- Contributor to inventory of climate services markets and impacts of CS tasks
- Contributor to business innovation and value and benefits
- Contributor to communication activities, social media, dissemination and capacity building
- Contributor to Climateurope2 platform design