LGI has developed an Open Innovation Platform for the TInnGO project. This online collaborative platform aims to bring together TInnGO national hubs, stakeholders and European citizens willing to address local issues of gender and diversity in transport. The platform contains three sections:
- Ideas lab: users share design ideas to solve smart mobility and gender challenges
- Discussions: gathers TInnGO’s community views on different topics around gender and smart mobility
- Initiatives: showcases a collection of gender and transport initiatives carried out in different European countries
To learn more, visit https://oip.transportgenderobservatory.eu/
The project has also been busy hosting events in recent months:
TInnGO held three online focus groups on 26, 27 and 28 May 2021 to allow audiences to identify aspects that need improvement and help them redesign a better service.
The French Hub held a roundtable on the fight against gender-based violence on public transport on the 20th of May, where speakers from transport companies and organisations fighting against gender-based harassment discussed actions taken by the organisations to help make public transport more secure. Find a video from the event here.