paperCHAIN H2020 wins prize for Best Innovation

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The EU-funded paperChain project aims at deploying five circular economy models by proritising wastes generated by Pulp and Paper Industries (PPI) as secondary raw materials for three resource intensive sectors: construction (of buildings and roads), mining, and the chemical industry.

The World Road Association (PIARC) awarded paperCHAIN the BEST INNOVATION prize during the opening ceremony of the 26th World Road Congress in Abu Dhabi.

The prize was awarded to the paper “Alternative secondary raw materials for road construction, based on Pulp and Paper industry reject”, co-authored by Hani Baloochi, Diego Aponte, Marilda Barra, Adriana Martínez and Rodrigo Miró from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia; Juan José Cepriá and Roberto Orejana from the ACCIONA Construction Technology Centre and Asier Oleaga from TECNALIA, consortium members of the paperCHAIN project.

The World Road Congress takes place every four years and it is a centennial event, which brings together the main actors of the road sector.  The project is funded by the European Commission through the H2020 programme and involves 20 partners coordinated by ACCIONA Construction in five case studies. In detail, the case study awarded with this Prize, was possible thanks to the cooperation among all the involved stakeholders; SAICA, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the roads laboratory from the regional government of Aragon and with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Development.

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