LGI analyses existing policy frameworks for S2S4E H2020 project

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Making our society more resilient to climate change is becoming of major importance and the European energy sector is no exception to the rule. Climate services, among other solutions, can be used to that end.


The S2S4E research project develops a sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) climate prediction tool specifically for the energy sector. It helps forecast potential extreme events, electricity demand and renewable energy production for the future. A widespread use of climate services may result in a higher share of renewable energy within the EU energy mix and a reduction of damage costs of extreme events. However, a strong policy support could be the trigger for increased adoption rates among energy producers, grid operators, energy providers and any other stakeholders of the energy sector.

The successive EU energy packages have set increasingly ambitious goals in terms of energy efficiency, renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions reduction but what about references to methods, tools or other means that can be used to achieve these objectives? LGI analysed several major EU directives and over 100 national policies to better understand how the existing policy framework offers direct or indirect support to climate services.