Facilitating workshops in 2020 requires some innovation, here’s a recap of our first virtual workshop focused on Intellectual Property (IP) & exploitation

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This is what our amazing partners from the ION4RAW project thought of our first virtual workshop focused on Intellectual Property (IP) & exploitation. We’re super thankful for their kind feedback and excellent participation. COVID19. forced us to adapt and find news way to work collaboratively, and everyone responded positively to the challenge! We worked very hard to make it a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone, and we’re glad it paid off!

The ION4RAW project is dedicated to developing a cost-efficient and environmentally friendly mineral processing technology to recover Critical Raw Materials by-products from primary sources.

In H2020 projects (and soon Horizon Europe), the Exploitation work package focuses on setting out a plan to ensure that the project results and their impact are maximised, while managing and protecting the project IP.

Together with 30 partners, our first session started with an hour-long IP webinar during which we introduced the concepts of Exploitation & IP in the context of H2020 projects.


Once the foundations needed for our three-hour collaborative workshop were laid out, we moved onto the more interactive part of the day!

We had a fun icebreaker with the partners, sharing where we would like to travel in these unique times of isolation…


We then split into two groups and ran parallel sessions in virtual breakout rooms. We adapted the Results-Strategy-Beneficiary methodology developed by LGI to this virtual context and gathered great information from the partners on background and foreground IP, ownership, goals, risks and initial exploitation strategies.


We managed to make all of this happen from the confined spaces of our kitchens and homes, saving carbon emissions in the process!

This could not have been a success without a great team effort and willingness to embrace innovation, so once again we thank of partners for their great collaboration!

If you’re also thinking of setting up online #workshops, get in touch with us as we’re happy to share what we learned through the process.
