Check out our two new raw materials projects!

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LGI will start a new project called EIS (Exploration Information System) that aims to develop new geomodels and novel, fast and cost-effective spatial data analysis tools for mineral exploration. The main objective of the EIS project is to develop innovative exploration concepts and data analysis tools to enhance the probability of finding new sources of critical raw materials (CRM) for the EU’s economy. The methods that will be developed will reduce the current high exploration costs and enhance the probability of finding new sources for CRMs for battery minerals.

LGI is also involved in a project called AfricaMaVal that aims to develop an EU-Africa partnership ensuring responsible sourcing of minerals for European industry. AfricaMaVal will focus on the minerals and metals presented in the Fourth list of Critical Raw Materials for the EU as well as on Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Tin (Sn), and Manganese (Mn) that are particularly pertinent considering Africa’s geological potential and their critical status in the digital and energy twin transitions.

LGI’s role:

We will support the project coordinators in their management tasks, helping the projects reach all of their objectives and ensuring a smooth implementation of the tasks and activities.

We will also lead the communication and dissemination of the project’s results and raise awareness and trust among the general public on the importance of raw materials for a successful transition to a climate-neutral and digitised economy and society. Our team will also establish close collaborations and synergies with related projects, networks, clusters, and initiatives at the European and national and regional levels to share information and maximise the visibility of the project results by increasing the audience reach. We will also develop an exploitation strategy in order to take all the measures that assure both the continuation and sustainability of both projects after the funding ends.