AMHYCO is a H2020 EURATOM project that will propose innovative enhancements in the way combustible gases are managed in case of a severe accident in currently operating reactors. It will do this using experiments and simulations over the 4-years of the project duration. LGI will be involved inmanaging the project and is leading the communication and dissemination activities. Check out the website here and follow the project on LinkedIn!
The GRE@T-PIONEeR project aims at developing will develop specialised education and training resources for post-graduate students and for nuclear engineers in nuclear physics and nuclear reactorsafety. The education will encompass both theory and hands-on training exercises, the latter heavily relying on the use of research/training reactors and of computer-based modelling environments. By following the courses and hands-on training sessions, the students will be able to perform nuclear reactor safety simulations and understand all the calculations on which such simulations rely. LGI will help manage the project and is the WP leader for communication and dissemination. Connect with GRE@T-PIONEeR on LinkedIn, Twitter or check out the official website!
https://lgi.earth/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/GREAT-PIONEER-LOGO-latest-version-300x66-1.pnghttps://lgi.earth/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/PLEIADES-constellation-transparent-300x84-1.pngPLEIADES is a H2020 EURATOM project that focuses on helping make the decommissioning and dismantling (D&D) of nuclear facilities safer. It will do this by connecting the latest online tools for plant decommissioning on one platform to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the people involved, and the environment around, the old facility. The PLEIADES platform will be the first platform to concentrate a set of mature digital technologies to be implemented on dismantling sites. LGI will be helping manage the project and is the WP leader for communication. Check out the website here and follow the project on LinkedIn!
Focus-Africa brings together scientists, researchers, strategists and industry leaders to develop sustainable tailored climate services in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region for four sectors: agriculture and food security, water, energy and infrastructure. This will be demonstrated by piloting eight case studies in six countries involving a wide range of end-uses to illustrate how the application of new climate forecasts, projections, resources from Copernicus, GFCS and other relevant products can maximise socio-economic benefits in the Southern Africa region and potentially in the whole of Africa. We aim to become the main reference for all future climate service projects in the SADC region by advancing the science of climate services and producing effective climate service delivery. FOCUS-AFRICA will become a repository for knowledge and tools necessary in the development of practical and useful climate services to better tackle the risks of climate change. More on our website and Twitter.
https://lgi.earth/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/FOCUS-Africa-VERTICAL_transparent-300x122-1.pnghttps://lgi.earth/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/METIS-Logo-400-px-300x115-1.pngMETIS is a 48-month Horizon 2020 project that launched in September 2020. The goal of the project is to further develop and improve tools and methodologies employed in seismic safety assessments of nuclear reactors while also developing guidelines to transfer the results of the research community into engineering practices. More extensively, METIS will facilitate periodic safety reviews in response to the high-level objectives of the EURATOM nuclear safety directive, and in turn, contribute to the competitiveness of the European nuclear industry. LGI will help manage the project and will largely contribute to communication and dissemination activities. Check out the project press release to learn more, visit the project website, or follow METIS on LinkedIn and ResearchGate!
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