Creative and logistical support of European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON)
Strong evidence for policymaking is needed for macro-regional, transnational, cross-border and (sub)national planning processes. This applies to cross-cutting topics be it climate change, refugees, tourism, or cross-border relations. Supporting Ghent University in their work to provide evidence for ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation Network), LGI in close collaboration conducted both creative and logistical aspects.
The COVID-19 crisis meant that many events went online, with LGI managing the operational logistics for workshops including several break-out rooms and multilingual translations.
- Content management, multimedia production, graphic design, and event management.
- Events organisation - range from high-level roundtables with approx. 30 experts to large macro-regional conferences.
- Management of the operational logistics for various online workshops with parallel break-out rooms and multilingual translations.