NbS socio-economic impact analysis and financing guide for Mediterranean region
Plan Bleu is one of the 6 Regional Activity Centres of the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP), and works as an observatory of the environment and sustainable development in the Mediterranean Region. Plan Bleu, with the support of ADEME, wished to assess the socio-economic impacts of nature-based solutions (NbS) in the Mediterranean region and to propose to the local authorities a guide on how to fund NbS in their territories. The aim was to encourage the dissemination of NbS in the Mediterranean region and help local governments in their decision process to implement and mobilize funding for NbS projects.
- Creation of a database listing 84 NbS projects in the Mediterranean region, their socio-impact results and their funding characteristics
- Socio-economic impact and financing indicators survey for NbS project holders
- Socio-economic impact analysis of the NbS projects selected crossing the database with the existing literature, and resulting "Report on NbS Socio-economic Impacts"
- "NbS Financing Guide" targeting local governments of the Mediterranean Region