SNETP strengthening to consolidate collaboration within and beyond the nuclear sector
The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform - SNETP Association is focused on nuclear fission technologies and to fosters networking opportunities and international cooperation in order to address cross-sectorial nuclear R&D challenges. SNETP has a mature structure divided into three pillars: NUGENIA, ESNII (European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative) and NC2I (Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative) which have well-established programs and governance. The SNETPFORWARD project supports the association to strengthen its position within the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET plan) and increase collaboration among other related European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs), as well as to further promote the innovation capacities of the SNETP Association members.
• Support to the coordinator for the project set up
• Support to the coordinator as project management office (PMO)
• Leadership of the communication and dissemination activities