EurOpean PlatForm For AccEssing NucleaR R&D Facilities
The overarching objective of OFFER is to support the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform - SNETP Association to establish an operational scheme facilitating access for R&D experts to key nuclear science infrastructures – hereinafter referred to as “User Facilities” – through the channelling of financial grants provided by the Euratom programme.
The beneficiaries of the scheme will be, first, the User Facilities to be funded directly from the OFFERR project for their services provided to selected projects selected through OFFERR calls, and second, the research teams that have successfully applied through the calls and were allowed to use the User Facilities for their project purposes.
The project involves Cascade funding.
• Support to the coordinator for the project set up
• Support to the coordinator as project management office (PMO)
• Leadership of the communication and dissemination activities
• Development of the online Call management platform